Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My grumblings against shallow, foolish people called Christians.

Am I wrong in saying that the modern church does little to point non-believers to God?

Allow me to speak in stereotypes that all will understand.

The modern Christian has a holier-than-thou attitude. He clings desperately to rules of morality, as though these rules of morality will make him better than other people, and in doing so will secure his place in heaven. He disregards the fact that this directly disagrees with the Christian fundamentals of God's grace and mercy.

The modern Christian song is a sermon. I recently realized how hollow this is when I heard a wonderful song by a band called Cursive that spoke of how there is no God and we should all get used to it. Obviously, if someone disagrees with such a song, such blunt lyrics are not going to convert them. But a song like "Jesus Christ" by Brand New, where someone who I believe to be non-Christian (correct me if I'm wrong) is struggling with his own beliefs is much more human, much more real, much more honest. And a song like that causes all people to look inside themselves, no matter what they believe.

The modern Christian is generally Christian because their parents were, or because it makes them feel better about themselves, or because it looks good to the public. The modern Christian has no depth to their belief. In fact, the modern Christian has no depth to any belief. The modern Christian (as opposed, I've noticed, to the modern atheist) has little interest in studying philosophy or religion, because they believe to already know the truth and have little need for questioning it.

But interestingly, the modern Christian seems to have little interest in studying the bible as well. So the truth they believe they have is one they know very little of.

In essence, the modern Christian is shallow, hypocritical, and conceited. Which are three antoyms to the God they claim to emulate.

And the modern Christian doesn't care.

And I write this as a Christian. Where did we go so wrong?

1 comment:

JD Hooton said...

I deliberately made this post harsh and cynical... because I was hoping to get some comment or defense from some of you.

Obviously there are exceptions. Like, every person in my immediate family, for example.